Replacement Rock’n’Roll LP

John Lennon: Rock’n’Roll

As many will have noticed, the copy of John Lennon’s “Rock’n’Roll” album which was included with the recent Lennon vinyl boxed set had a production error. “Sweet Little Sixteen” appears twice and “You Can’t Catch Me” is missing. But now you can’t catch it. Universal Music has set up a web page where you can fill in a form and ask for a replacement copy of the album. You’ll have to upload some kind of proof of purchase though.

Here’s the link:

13 Responses

  1. Isko says:

    Pathetic that such a major error would be made these days.

  2. Debjorgo says:

    Wasn't the whole album made so Lennon could release You Can't Catch Me and give Chuck some royalties?

  3. Tom says:

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  4. Tom says:

    I love the wording on the website for getting a replacement copy, where it refers to "some issues surrounding the audio." I'd say the audio is fine, it's just the wrong songs! 😉

  5. Unknown says:

    Has anyone received their album yet? I have a sent a number of emails and haven't even received a reply from Universal Music.

  6. Beatlesblogger says:

    Love to hear if anyone has actually received a replacement from Universal yet. I sent a request using the official site and got a response with an ID code for future reference, but since then nothing…..Have written to Universal twice asking for an update on progress but have received no reply. It's all gone very quiet and it is well over a month now since first contacting them.

  7. lucynsky says:

    I have never received my replacement. have you gotten it by now? I also write to them and receive no answer.

  8. wogew says:

    I never bought this boxed set, but I have heard from some of the ones that did, and they have received replacement discs.

  9. says:

    Wow… The replacement today…

  10. Salvador says:

    Por fin mi copia de Rock´n´Roll
    La Unión (MURCIA) ESPAÑA

  11. Unknown says:

    I sent my request for replacement october/november 2015 and its been a year and still have not received a replacement. I have sent emails asking for an update but never receive a response either.

  12. Pete Black says:

    I've only just gotten around to playing 'Rock & Roll' and, finding it to be one of the faulty ones . . . . wrote to Universal the other day . . . Their website returns wouldn't accept my scan of my (Amazon) receipt , so I emailed them with a .jpg . . . . . I've received NO acknowledgement at all !! (and seems from the above . . . I won't !)
    Pete Black

  13. lucynsky says:

    Don't despair- it takes a long time and you think no one is listening but eventually it will come. Just go through the process. Good luck.

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