Paul in Abbey Road

5 Responses

  1. Unknown says:

    #NoticiasDoRocknRoll #RocknRollNews #cdrpod0522
    Da um PLAY na Classikera !!!

  2. humpinski says:

    Absolute Serendipity! I love it!

  3. djJohnny says:

    All the "news" thingies that have posted versions of this, rrrrr…, "story" all ignore the cover of Paul's 1993 live album 'Paul Is Live'.

  4. Brian Fried says:

    For the release, maybe he'll do like Kisses On The Bottom and put some of the performance on the special edition (which would account for the higher number of tracks), and then release some digitally as an album as well.

  5. humbarcam says:

    But we can't see that concert now, it's not available on Spotify… Why?

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