Lennon product to be announced

11 Responses

  1. AD says:

    I think it will likely be a Plastic Ono Band release, given that a book on the same topic has been announced.

  2. wardo says:

    An expanded POB would be nice; there’s always 2022 for the 50th anniversary of the One-to-One shows. Which I’d prefer to an expanded Some Time In New York City (shudder)

  3. Tony Littman says:

    I have always found the One to One concert hugely disappointing, the band sound weak and John well past his peak. Oh, that rhymes.

  4. G.D. Wilde says:

    I gather this is purely specualtion? Or am I missing something? Trouble is I’m beginning to see this announced as a fact round Facebook, whereas I thought this was just wishful thinking – or, if you like, an educated guess?

  5. Paul says:

    That clip looked quite good. Just can’t believe this is not out yet on DVD and Bluray. It can’t be far away.

  6. Blakey says:

    I do hope it’s a 2020 ‘ultimate mix’ of Instant Karma.

  7. Blakey says:

    Thank God something is coming out this year. And at least Yoko doesn’t have to ask Disney’s permission to put John’s stuff out. Why the hell did Apple let Mickey Mouse’s mob get a hold of Jackson’s film? Apple/UMG could easily have done it themselves.

    • Paul says:

      I think The Beatles and Apple/UMG wants the Peter Jackson film to be an event, and you can’t do that succesfully in the social distancing times we now are in. Hopefully next year things will improve on that front, and we will get the film, the original Let it Be and a box set of audio and outtakes but if covid-19 is still prevalent, they may just have to put the Jackson thing to home video and release the other stuff too. Time will tell.

  1. January 4, 2022

    […] releases has now been improved enough by new techniques to be slated for inclusion. Apparently, Douglas finished the project some time ago, but no publication date has been […]

  2. March 10, 2023

    […] What gives? We know that producer Jack Douglas remixed both the album as well as the concert film years ago, as well as making a new cut of the latter. One can only hope that a release is due […]

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