Tagged: Beatles


New boxed set with the singles

Illustration photo It looks like The Beatles are about to release a new boxed set with the 22 original titles, as released in Great Britain, plus single no. 23, which combine the nineties songs,...

Casbah poster found 2

Casbah poster found

Pete Howard at Poster Central has found another old poster advertising the Beatles. It’s hand drawn by Neil Aspinall and Mona Best, and is actually advertising a rare constellation of the Beatles: It’s from...


The Amsterdam canal boat ride

6. June 1964: The canal boat ride route. The canal boat trip in Amsterdam on June 6, 1964 was a stroke of genius, as it allowed thousands of fans a glimpse of the Beatles,...


Abbey Road goes on the road with Mark Lewisohn

The surprises and delights of ABBEY ROAD, the Beatles’ final album – 50 years on September 2019 is the golden anniversary of the Beatles’ multi-platinum album Abbey Road – the last work they recorded...