Lennon: Imagine & Gimme Some Truth Blu-ray & DVD

9 Responses

  1. sandandglue says:

    Both ob the one Bluray? Thank you, Yoko. That's a poke in the eye for the naysayers for once. Yes, Yoko might have added her name to the description but yes, it's her film too. I'm looking forward to that audio track list!

  2. rockall says:

    Can't find the page

  3. CLAY BANES says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. CLAY BANES says:

    Alas, the links travel to Amazon's Page Not Found.

  5. piper909 says:

    My experience as well. I can't find this DVD on Amazon US nor does the link work. What's the story?

  6. Westfield says:

    Cannot wait. I wish the folks at Apple would let these people handle the remaining 50th anniversaries of the Beatles albums. There is nothing wrong with giving fans more than they asked for or dreamt for.

  7. piper909 says:

    I will be happy to buy this and retire my VHS tape. But I can't order what I cannot locate on Amazon anywhere. Not only the USA, but the UK and Canada, I draw blanks. And those links do not work.

  8. wogew says:

    Sorry about those missing links, the pages were there when I wrote this piece, but they must have jumped the gun.

  9. piper909 says:

    Hurrah, the links work now! Pre-ordered!

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