The Ultimate Ed Sullivan DVD Collection – a review

7 Responses

  1. Mark says:

    Excellent reviews of these two new HMC titles! Really nice to see these two finally liberated after such a long wait. I hope these are big sellers so HMC can acquire more rare tapes and continue their so far fantastic run of titles.

  2. Hugh Nique says:

    I think its a disgrace that bootleggers are obviously able to present better quality material than the official rightsholders. This happens a bit to often the last twenty years. One wonders if this is a lack of knowledge on the rightsholders side or on purpose so they can 'remaster' it and release it again in better quality. A Hard Days Night on DVD is a good example. The bootlegs have a way better picture quality than the official release.

  3. LonglivetheBeatles says:

    Mirror Spock vs HMC for the title of Best Ultimate Ed Sullivan DVD, Starring The Beatles… , Now that the HMC version is out , I am waiting for a knowledgeable review of a comparison between the aforementioned two versions, quite frankly the HMC version has to be extraordinary to be better or equal to the Mirror Spock version , which is certainly better than the official Ed Sullivan Beatles DVD . I hope that Roger does just that…

  4. Anonymous says:

    i wonder why the ed sullivan company didn't keep a copy of the beatles at shea stadium film.they filmed it.what did they do with their copy?with the negatives?they sent one copy to the beatles.but where is there copy?they had like 15 cameras that filmed it yet they ran out of film between she's a woman and everybody's trying to be my baby?i doubt that.and if they did then they shouldnt have filmed the opening acts and just the beatles.either that or they just cut up those 2 songs and left them on the cutting room floor which is a crime itself.

  5. LonglivetheBeatles says:

    It has been reported that Brian Epstein had the only known copy that contained the entire concert including "She's A Woman and " Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby " . When Mr. Epstein passed away in 1967, it was rumored that Paul McCartney gained possession of his copy, so if the reports are correct it would certainly be a coup for Mr. McCartney . Now , just maybe we might see that footage when Ron Howard's Beatles Live Project is completed..

  6. Anonymous says:

    i would think after brian's death his brother clive would have had it or brian's mother.either way i don't think paul has it or it would have surfaced during the anthology project.

  7. angel says:

    I would like to see a review comparing this HMC edition and the previous one released by Mirror Spock for the Ed Sullivan shows on DVD

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