The Daily Beatle Blog


Tony Bramwell’s obituary

We have been waiting for Mark Lewisohn to pay tribute to Tony and celebrate his association with the Beatles, not to mention say a little about what involvement Tony had with the Beatles, Epstein...


Mersey Beat Revival

Liverpool’s own music paper “Mersey Beat” was founded and edited by one of John Lennon’s art school friends and member of “The Dissenters”, residing in the Ye Cracke pub. Lennon participated with his own...


Colour footage synched to sound

In March, we told you about an interesting Omega Auctions lot, a reel of 8mm film (no audio) containing approximately 18 minutes of colour footage, shot in 1963 and 1964 by Rediffusion lighting supervisor...


Band On The Run book

The fiftieth anniversary of Paul McCartney & Wings landmark album “Band on The Run” was late last year but has been celebrated this year with official as well as unofficial releases. Universal Music released...